The Institute of Pomology focuses on fruit trees including peach, strawberry, pear, grape, kiwifruit, and pecan. We conduct researches on germplasm resources (collection, conservation, evaluation and innovation), breeding of new varieties, as well as development and extension of high-quality, safe, and labor-saving cultivation techniques.
National and provincial research labs and infrastructure established in the Institute
*National Germplasm Repository for Peach and Strawberry-Nanjing
* National Horticulture Gene Bank for Peach and Strawberry (Nanjing), China
*Peach Genetic Improvement Research Laboratory of National Agriculture Research System
*Pear Mechanization Research Laboratory of National Agriculture Research System
*Integrated Experimental Station of National Agriculture Research System for Peach, Pear and Grape
*Jiangsu Germplasm Repository for Fruit Trees
*Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Horticultural Crop Genetic Improvement
*JAAS Germplasm Repository for Pecan