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Breeding three new chrysanthemum-like ornamental peach varieties by Peach Innovation Team

The bright beautiful peach flowers blossom in the early spring, which is very charming. Many cities and counties hold peach flower festivals to attract visitors and enhance the agri-tourism industry. Chrysanthemum-like peach is a special ornamental variety with long narrow petals and the compact growth habit, resulting in its high ornamental value. The pink chrysanthemum-like peach is the only germplasm resource of all ornamental peaches. To enrich the chrysanthemum-like peach varieties, JAAS Peach Innovation Team used chrysanthemum-like peaches and weeping and dwarf tree for cross-breeding in 2007. The chrysanthemum-like seedlings were obtained in the F2 generation. Through observation, three superior individual plants were selected and two of them were weeping tree shape. "Zhongxiu", "Zhongli" and "Zhongxue" obtained the plant variety rights from National Forestry and Grassland Administration, China in June 2021. The flowering phases of these three cultivars are similar to the original chrysanthemum-like peaches. They are the late-flowering cultivars with luxuriant blossoms and elegant branches. "Zhongxiu" is weeping tree shape with white flowers; "Zhongli" is weeping tree shape with red flowers; "Zhongxue" is standard tree shape with white flowers.  These three new ornamental peach varieties have enlarged the family of chrysanthemum-like peaches and contributed to the landscaping of our yard, urban gardening and beautiful village. 


"ZhongXiu" variety


"Zhongli" variety


"Zhongxue" variety