Livestock waste control and resource utilization

Treatment of agricultural and food wastes for pollution prevention and resource utilization; anaerobic digestion, fermenter operation and bioprocessing optimization; treatment technology assessment; environmental impact assessment; solid waste management, desalination; air quality control for animal; study of biological, physical, and chemical processing techniques for organic waste conversion and nutrient management; microbial culture techniques and microbial screening & fermentation; the utilization of the waste biomass resources; metabolic flux analysis; control of gaseous and particulate emissions from animal feedlots processing facilities.

The team focuses on the research of pollution control in animal husbandry and resource utilization of manure, including:

1)Technologies of livestock waste greenhouse gas emission mitigation: Livestock waste collection and storage technology; Anaerobic digestion processing regulation technology; Livestock manure nutrients management; Carbon  emission reduction accounting and assessment.

2)Technologies of waste bio-conversion and feed protein synthesis: Insect resource mining and evaluation for high-efficiency conversion of organic waste; Industrialized production technology for feed protein bioconversion from organic waste.

3)Technologies of livestock wastewater deep purification and microalgae cultivation: Livestock wastewater nutrients recovery; Livestock wastewater deep purification via bacteria-algae symbiosis system; Microalgae large-scale cultivation using biogas slurry.


Ye Xiaomei
Xi Yonglan
Du Jing
Wang Li
Kong Xiangping
Han Ting
Zhang Yingpeng
Wang Cong