Great success achieved in international cooperation for legumes research

A grand slam like success has been achieved in China and Thailand international cooperation. Achievements were made from the cooperation project partnered with Thailand, with Professor Peerasak Srinives as the representative. In 2014, Professor Peerasak Srinives was honored the first Chinese Government Friendship Award ever awarded to a developing country. In 2015, another Chinese Government Friendship Award was also awarded. At the 25th anniversary of the award, four international cooperation experts were invited to meet with the Premier Li Keqiang (the only expert from Agriculture field). Professor Peerasak Srinives received an exclusive interview with the overseas edition of the People’s Daily. The concerned international cooperation secured the grand slam like success in winning four heavyweight awards including Jiangsu Provincial Friendship, Chinese Friendship Awards and China International Science and Technology Cooperation Awards. In 2018, he was invited to participate in the New Year Gathering hosted by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang with foreign experts working in China.

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