Full name:Yue Qian

Title:Associate Professor

Team:Agricultural ecology

Interests:Farmland Biodiversity;Evaluation and Measurement of Agricultural Ecosystem Service Function;Agricultural Carbon and nitrogen and Climate Change


1)    Yue Q#., Cheng K#., Stephen O., Hillier J., Smith P., Abdalla M., Alicia L., Sun J., Pan G. Evaluation of four modelling approaches to estimate nitrous oxide emissions in China's cropland. Science of the Total Environment. 652 (2019), 1279-1289.

2)  Abdalla M., Hastings A., Cheng K., Yue Q., Chadwick D., Espenberg M., Truu J., Rees R.M., Smith P. A critical review of the impacts of cover crops on nitrogen leaching, net greenhouse gas balance and crop productivity. Global Change Biology. First published: 07 April 2019.

3)    Yue Q., Alicia L., Cheng K., Fabrizio A., Ulrike L., Tek B. S., Frank B., Clare M. S., Pete S., Sun J., Pan G., Hillier J. Re-assessing Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Croplands Across Mainland China. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment. 268 (2018), 70-78.

4)    Yue, Q., Xu, X., Hillier, J., Cheng, K., and Pan, G. Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture: From farm production to food consumption. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 149, 1011-1019.

5)  Luo, T. #, Yue, Q. #, Yan, M., Cheng, K., and Pan, G. Carbon footprint of China's livestock system – a case study of farm survey in Sichuan province, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 102, 136-143.